The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) sets the exam syllabus for recruitment to the Group 1 services in the state. In this article, you can read and download the revised syllabus for the TNPSC Group 1 Exam 2020-2021.
Salient Points about TNPSC Exam:
The TNPSC Group 1 Exam (check the link for latest info) , officially known as the Combined Civil Service – 1 (CCS-1) is conducted in three stages:
Candidates should go through the detailed TNPSC Group 1 Exam Pattern as there has been a revision by the commission in the exam scheme.
The Mains Exam comprises three descriptive papers, and each paper can be subdivided into three units covering broad subject areas.
Unlike the UPSC Mains, there are no optional papers/subjects in the TNPSC Group 1 Exam Syllabus.
The new TNPSC Syllabus for Mains is summarised below:
Align your TNPSC Preparation using UPSC preparation articles:
Students while preparing should note that General Studies preparation is mostly similar for UPSC and TNPSC Group 1 exam.
#TNPSC Syllabus of GS 1 – Topics
To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 1 where the topic-wise strategy has been mentioned. TNPSC Group 1 aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover history-related topics mentioned in TNPSC syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 1 strategy at the linked article.
Also; Welfare Schemes and General Aptitude related topics can be referred to in the following links:
#TNPSC Syllabus of GS 2 – Topics
To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 2 where the topic-wise strategy has been mentioned. TNPSC Group 1 aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover Indian polity-related topics mentioned in TNPSC syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 2 strategy at the linked article.
#TNPSC Syllabus of GS 2 – Topics
To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 3 where the topic-wise strategy has been mentioned. TNPSC Group 1 aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover Indian Economy- related topics mentioned in TNPSC syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 3 strategy at the linked article.
Note: The syllabus for the state public service commission exams differ from the UPSC Civil Service Exam in one significant aspect, i.e., the preparation has to focus on the subjects from the perspective of the state as well.
E.g., in the TNPSC Group 1 Syllabus, the history, geography, social issues topics, etc. have to be understood from a pan-India perspective and the perspective of Tamil Nadu state.
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