Objective:- In the growing digital penetration it becomes easy and flexible to learn anything, anywhere, at any time irrespective of one’s physical and on time presence. So this is making a new age revolution in the education sector, keeping this in mind of the growing changes along with a noble objective to empower educationally backward and socially oppressed aspirants to crack competitive exams, IKLAS Online Academy was started in 2019.
Unique Features :- (How we are different from others)

IKLAS Online Academy provides a complete course video according to the demand of the exams needed. This gives confidence to the aspirants and also it reduces the time being spent by aspirants to go to various platforms for learning various subjects.

Individual attention is being given to weak aspirants and we provide valuable guidance for the aspirant’s development.

We provide quality test series, weekly & monthly tests, which will help the aspirants to assess their level of preparation.

The students / aspirants can learn the subject either in PC mode or through Android apps. This makes them to be in touch with their preparation at any time.

The video lectures are being handled by well experienced and quality trainers in the field.

The visual representation gives the edge to learn the concept easily.