As a student who has realized their ambition is to become an IAS officer, we would like to commend your clarity of mind. It’s a wonderful thing to realise your life’s ambition. In order to nurture your ambitions, Iklas IAS Academy recommends the following things to start your preparation for the civil services exam. One […]
Category Archives: Blogs
History is the study of the past. In Civil Services Prelims 2017, it can determine your future. A glance of the trends in the overall analysis of GS papers over the last four years tells us that ‘History and Culture’ has been the most consistent section in comparison. So ignoring this can only be in […]
GEOGRAPHY (Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic) ‘Geography is the study of man, his environment and interaction between the two’. This definition of geography tells you about the comprehensive nature of Geography and its vastness. Geography has ‘overlapping’ topics which covers Environment, Economics (Human geography- Demograpy) and Current Events. One should always have an ATLAS […]
Remember that the Paper-I or the General Studies is the deciding factor for qualifying the Prelims examination. The basic tip for the examination hall is one should read the questions carefully and thoroughly before selecting the correct answer. If a question cannot be answered immediately, one should move to the next question. After going through […]